
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Northern Illinois Unveils Color-Asymmetric Court

Via the usual sources, Northern Illinois University has a new court. As seen at this link, at one end of the court the key and most of the out-of-bounds area are painted red, whereas at the other end, the key and most of the out-of-bounds area are painted black. For lack of a better term, I'm calling this a "color-asymmetric" court. I've probably seen one or two of these on television over the years, but NIU's is the first I'm aware of for an NCAA Division I program. The court also features an Illinois state-shape and the initials NIU at center court, based on different shades of shellac. The different shades are very subtle -- perhaps too subtle -- however.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alan, I recall that Binghamton does or did have or had a color-asymmetric court with one end green and one end black.
